Portfolio > Intermission (Ongoing)

A Black Child's Aspiration
Ceramic, Steel nails
8in x 8in x 2in
A Black Child's Kuumba (Creativity)
Ceramic, Steel Nails
A Black Child's Nia (Purpose)
Ceramic, Steel Nails
Strange Fruit (Side A)
Ceramic, Steel Nails
Strange Fruit (Side B)
Ceramic, Steel Nails
Hey Black Child
Still I Rise
Blood Diamond Series: CAR x France
Ceramic, Plastic Diamonds
Cotton Hair

These works do not fall under any body of work I have pursued. These are all works that were made as I was working through ideas, techniques or concepts. They have all been integral to the series of works I do end up pursuing. Some of the work here are one off pieces while a few were part of a series of work that was short lived and I have no desire to continue them; they all still hold relevance in my artistic practice, and I place them here as a way to show everyone that I am constantly working through ideas outside of work I typically present.

I would like to note that I am open to revisiting anything I place in here which is why I call this page intermission. They are not only intermissions in between bodies of work, but I am also taking an intermission from them. If any of the work in here speaks to me in the future, I will begin to extend them into their own body of work.